To our friends at Chapter 25 in MN

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tom kreiner
Posts: 71
Joined: Sat Feb 25, 2017 9:49 am

To our friends at Chapter 25 in MN

Post by tom kreiner »

The very first guys I met at Brodhead in '09 were from Minnesota's Chapter 25. I would like to count among them the late Dick Navratil - a superb gentleman - Bob Poore, and Greg Cardinal, and others, whose names are too many to recall. (We even have a couple of MN transplants here in TX)

While we've all seen the heartbreaking issues that have transpired in Minneapolis, I can't help but hope the many great guys we've met over the years are surviving what appears to be difficult times.

Here's to y'all, Minnesotans, hope your all doing OK; Hang in there, We're praying for your entire state, wishing all of you well, and that we'll see the "regular" members of Chapter 25 next year.

Tom Kreiner
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Re: To our friends at Chapter 25 in MN

Post by taildrags »

Tom; yours is a heartfelt sentiment and it's the same from many of us who share the same thoughts and feelings. My wife and I have some very dear friends who live right in the heart of Minneapolis since they have been teaching at the U of Minn for many years and just retired. They are close enough to see and hear some of what's going on downtown every evening and into the night. This is not how any of us wants to spend our retirement years or any other years, for that matter. Our airplanes are able to take us away from the earth for little bits of time, but right now we have no choice but to come back down to earth after every flight, and as we close the hangar doors and start back to our homes and communities, these days we aren't wearing many smiles even after enjoying our dear old flying machines because of everything that's going wrong all around us.

My prayers are like yours: that we all come to our senses and get back to doing what is right and standing firmly against what is wrong. Not even for ourselves... but for our children, and our grandchildren, and their children. None of us wants to leave them the world as it is tonight.

Oscar Zuniga
Medford, OR
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Re: To our friends at Chapter 25 in MN

Post by gcardinal »

Thanks for the sentiments.
We are all doing well and are safe. Curfews and an organized law enforcement response has hopefully put the worst of the violence behind us.

Nearest damage to me is about 6 blocks away. Many, many small businesses, restaurants and other local establishments we all frequent have been damaged and in some cases completely gutted and leveled. Current tally of damage is close to 300 buildings and businesses.

If the triggering event had happened in January we wouldn't be having these problems.

The flying season is in full swing, the airports are open and our planes are fully functional.

It is going to be a good flying season!

Greg Cardinal
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