Original Posted By: Donald A Mosher
Subject: Pietenpol-List: EAA AirVenture Pietenpol Forums*Pietenpol Forums at EAA AirVenture 2016*This is a reminder of the forums being presented to all Pietenpol peoplewho are going to be at EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh on Sunday, July 21 throughSaturday, July 31.During the week, two Pietenpol forums will be conducted by Bill Rewey andDoc Mosher as a team. The first will be on Tuesday, July 26th from 2:30 to3:45 pm at the Aeroplane Workshop building which is right by theHomebuilder buildings (same as last year). The subject is =9CPietenpolbuilding and flying.=9DThe second forum will be on Friday, July 29th from 1:00 to 2:15 pm at thesame Aeroplane Workshop Building. The subject will again be =9CPietenpolbuilding and flying.=9D We hope to gather a number of friends at each forum.As in the past, we expect each of the presenters to describe for beginners,just what building and flying a Piet really entails. This is planned to beperhaps 15 minutes each. Then we will open the forum to any questions fromthe audience. If several old hands happen to be in the audience (we surehope so) we trust that these people would be helpful in discussing thequestions, so people who are newcomers can get to meet and know theseexperienced builders and fliers.Although not a Power Point program, there will be enough examples of actualplans and actual updates on paper so the audience can feel and touch whatwe are talking about. Handouts will be available. Doc has developed a setof updates to the plans that also will be available, and his address andwebpages will be provided. With the sporadic publication of the BrodheadPietenpol Association newsletter, there seems to be a dearth of=9Cmembership=9D continuity. We hope that our forums at EAA AirVenture willhelp reconnect the Pietenpol people out there.Of course, both Bill and Doc will be at Brodhead. We look forward to somefun there and at Oshkosh.Bill ReweyDoc Mosher (thepietshop(at)gmail.com)________________________________________________________________________________