Hi all. I wanted to post details on the 2017 Fly-in at Old Rhinebeck:
Renewed Annual ORA Pietenpol & Flivver Fly-In
September 2nd & 3rd
Pietenpols and other Flivvers, of all varieties, are invited to descend upon ORA for a weekend of fellowship, fun, and old time airshows. Saturday and Sunday are the dates, but arrive whenever you wish and stay as long as you need. The Low & Slow life often predicates this and we at ORA understand! See you then!
"Like" ORA on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rhinebeckaerodromemuseum/
and then navigate to our event notice: https://www.facebook.com/events/1349131461817555/
Come see the museum, see the Spirit of St. Louis fly, enjoy an airshow, and enjoy the friends and fun that comes with Pietenpols!
Museum president Mike DiGiacomio is now an Air Camper owner (actually two...the project he started and the flying example that he bought), I've got a Sky Scout starting to gestate in my head. Bob Coolbaugh visited last year with two buddies in tow from the mid-Atlantic contingent. Hope to get Ed Hammerle over this year in his Air Camper, as well as his Georgias Special if he's willing. Also on the field at the museum is an E-2 Cub, two Curtiss Juniors all flying. And a Heath and an Aeronca C-3 hanging in the museum along with all of the other cool things on display.
2017 Piet Fly-In @ ORA/East Coast
- Clay Hammond
- Posts: 42
- Joined: Thu Feb 23, 2017 11:46 am