Original Posted By: Michael Cuy
Subject: Pietenpol-List: wheel hub question from Paul Donahue*Hi Paul, **I ended up welding on the inside and the outside of my wheel hub flangesbut on the outside I didn't use any filler rod---just sealed the disc tothe axel tube so that my sintered**bronze Oil Lite flanged bushings could press in flush. **The Oil Lite bronze bushings (I think McMaster-Carr carries them orsimilar) go into the**hub about 1" deep. Frank Pavliga gave me a good tip---file 3 groovesinto the Oil Lite**bushing in the same direction as the axel on the OD of the bushing flangeand wipe good**with MEK or solvent. Rough up both the bronze bushings with sandpaper aswell as the**ID of your axel hub tube---wipe all with MEK and T-88 the bushings inplace so they spin**with your wheels and rotate on the axel like they should. The groovesyou file into the**bushings help the T-88 hold them in place. **Mike C.*[image: Inline image 1]________________________________________________________________________________