Back in the 90's, Bill Lutton came to my shop and asked if he could help me build a Great Lakes Trainer. (!) I was several years into it by that time and could certainly use the help. He made a job of it, brought his lunch every day, and without his help I'd never have finished it.
After it flew away, he was "needing something to do" and helped me restore my Commonwealth Skyranger.
By this time, a lung disease that he had picked up in the lab at Delco Remy

So, he started one.
He built the ribs and pretty much had the fuselage and tail feathers assembled by the time he couldn't get out into his shop any more. My Kid, Brad, bought the project from him and took it to Wisconsin where he did some very nice work before he realized that working on airplanes every day and then coming home and working on an airplane wasn't as much fun as he thought it would be. (He runs the shop at Poplar Grove.) It languished in his basement for years.
During the pandemic, I was "needing something to do", so built a Verner powered Legal Eagle

Now that it is flying, I'm needing something to do,

Thanks for listening..